
To personally E-mail Mark G. Cappitella,
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To the Right are FIVE topics for which I
receive the most questions by e-mail.

Please click on "ANSWER"
if you have the same question.

If you have ANY other questions feel free
to e-mail me by completing the form below.

1) How much do your custom puzzles cost? Answer

2) How long does it take to make a puzzle? Answer

3) How do I e-mail you my "digital" picture? Answer

4) Where is your online ORDER form? Answer

5) What is your Physical Mailing Address? Answer

  E-mail MESSAGE:
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"RETURN" key as your type reaches the right side of this text field.
 Red Entry Fields are Required.



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E-mail (Verify)


Daytime Phone Number
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Work Phone
Cell Phone




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Please add me to your PRIVATE Newsletter, informing me of any news and/or puzzle / art pricing specials.

Press the Send button
once then allow 5 seconds for the information to send.

If you experience any trouble sending this form, please tell me.
Call me TOLL FREE: 1-888-604-7654